Pretend for a moment that you are the highest ranked consultant, human resources manager or even the CEO of the most valuable company in the world. It actually feels good to be on top of the world. Such feat demands uncommon knowledge which is hidden from the public community of hiring managers. An implication of the ranking is that you are always on point in getting the best hand(s) for the copywriting job. You need beyond basic ideas of human management to enable you make the right choice among many applicants. Here are some simple secrets you must know to excel in your HR profession.

It can be tough working assiduously to hire a master copywriter among many applicants.


1. Copywriting Rests on Psychology:  Your prospective candidate should have some basic ideas of neuroscience and how to use it to wield words that can stir positive emotions in the audience. Research has revealed that humans make choices based on emotions. There is need for a deliberate effort to situate the highest point of enthusiasm in the prospect in order to convert him to a loyal customer. Hence in your quest to hire the best copywriter for that product or service, you should be on the lookout for the one who can combine language skill with a good mastery of cognitive psychology.

2. Copy and Content are Congruent: Many of the greatest copywriters in this age now adopt a combined approach of creative copywriting and great content to produce magical copies that sell. Copywriting motivates the reader to take a specific action such as making a purchase, subscribing to your email list or calling your customer care for more information. This can come inform of sales pages, ads or direct mail while content marketing entails creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into loyal customers via blogs, podcasts or email auto-responders.  The candidate for the job must be able to create valuable content that will motivate action that leads to conversion.

3. The Essence of Magnetic Headlines: The number one point of contact that a prospective customer has with your Ads is the headline. It is the Jacuzzi attraction that entices the client to swim in the pool of your products or services. The headline must portray the benefits in a unique way. It should be results-oriented and should not give a promise that cannot be fulfilled. Part of the skills your candidate should possess is the creation of a catchy headline which is the bedrock of the entire copy. Infact it is wise to suggest that at least up to 35% of the total time spent on writing an entire copy should be devoted to crafting a magnetic headline.

4. The Power of the Audience: Successful companies thrive on the size of the audience whose hearts have been won over a period of time. This depends on the quality of the product or service as well as the competence of the marketing department. As noted in number 01 above, every client makes decisions based on emotions either to make the purchase or otherwise. It is of utmost importance for the copywriter and all other members of the company to realize that the chief executive participant in the company is the audience. The copy should not be centered on the features of your product/service but rather be focused on how the client becomes a hero through the features. A neglect of this fact amounts to a copy’s failure. I bet you don’t want to be a consulting manager for such copywriters.

5. Good Copy is Clear, Concise and Simple: Master copywriters do not excel by displaying how clever they are with words. They don’t showcase their linguistic prowess by using big grammars. Instead, they write copies that are easy to understand in an artistic way. You should not be overwhelmed by the encyclopedic language style of your applicants, even though an essential skill in copywriting is accuracy in grammar. Skillful writers have the capacity to engage readers through all the advertising processes without any thought of being sold to. This is only possible by deploying unambiguous, simple and creative language style. Again, the copy must be focused on making the prospect feel like a hero.

6. Passion and Work Ethics:  Passion is the lubricant for a copywriter’s engine. This is accompanied by a strong work ethic, positive attitude towards work, willingness to learn, time management, self-confidence and professionalism. The throne of the world’s leading consultant or hiring manager of the century is few meters away from you! All you need is to be conscious of the highlighted points in your daily human resources activities.

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