Creating awareness about a new or existing product, job or service

Are you a beginner or intermediate copywriter looking for ways to create excellent adverts that convert to desirable results? You may even be a business owner bothered about how to deploy best ads for that expansion of your dreams. This content unveils the hidden treasure in crafting best ads of all times. The business world is usually characterized by aggressive competition between owners, service providers, producers, employers, or even employees. This cannot be disconnected from the reality of the survival of the fittest. In other words, only the fittest lasts long in every sphere of life. Some employers or employees could even go as far as denigrating others who are ahead of them. The law of karma should restrain you from getting involved in such defamation games.

One of the surest ways of business advancement and attaining desired heights is the deployment of powerful ads. The sole aim of an ad is to create awareness about a new or existing product, job or service. Adverts can take different forms such as short videos, voice-overs, notice, picture, film etc. using either the social or mass media. According to statistical reports made by in October 2023, digital ads have the capacity to increase brand awareness by 80% while there is 155% tendency for consumers to check up a brand after exposure to ads.       

This comprehensive guide will equip you with the strategies needed to craft excellent ads that possess the capacity of the above 80% and 155% results.


Embarking on the quest of ads creation equals to delving into the world of copywriting. Every form of adverts has a first point of contact. Your prospects’ time are invaluable and as such do not make a guarantee of reading through your ads, hence, the need for a magnetic headline. The headline should be specially garnished to mesmerize your prospects to read through not minding their busy schedule. You should be conscious of the following points while crafting catchy headlines:

  • Your headline should be short and interesting (usually between 4 and 14 words or 50-100 characters)
  • Include benefits e.g. how the product or service would benefit a prospect
  • Make it controversial such as the use of ‘baddest’ in the title of this article
  • The headline should have an emotional or appealing tone
  • The headline should include useful information, be portrayed in a unique way and should have a sense of urgency

Here are some examples of cleverly crafted headlines using different types:

1. ‘How to Create Magnetic Headlines’ (The how-to headline)

2. ‘7 Ultimate Ways to Create Magnetic Headlines’ (The number headline)

3. ‘Create Magnetic Headlines Using these Tips’ (The command headline)

4. ‘Gotten the Best Ads for your Business Already? Read this’ (The question headlines) etc.


As a copywriter, you are an announcer of solutions to people’s problems. You give people the imagination of dream fulfillment combined with the feeling of saving money. The promise made in the ads must be feasible. This may include the offer of discount and the delivery of best quality possible. You should note that nobody loves being lied to. Your offers must be genuine so as not to turn customers off.


Most amateur copywriters will usually deploy the use of adjectives as their major in crafting ads. This may direct you in the path of ambiguous writing.  Let’s create a sample:

‘‘Quality always stands you out of the crowd. Have you ever wondered why some people are admired like precious stones and some others are not? It’s not that the latter detest admiration. It’s not always about innate ability. It’s usually about getting exposed to accurate information. That is why I am writing to you about SWICROWN FABRICS. That is the whole essence of SWICROWN FABRICS: To deliver quality fabrics- Quality that stands men and women out in the fashion world’’.

The above crafted ads is not one sided in the use of parts of speech. An adjective-sided advert will be crafted as: ‘‘SWICROWN FABRICS is a quality, mouth-watering, lovely and exceptional fashion outlet’’. You can consider the two samples again and determine the one that is more matured. The beauty is not in the use of many adjectival synonyms that could later plunge you into ambiguity.


Another attribute of prospects is this desire to be at the centre. Spicing your contents with pronoun ‘‘You’’ and adjective ‘‘Your’’ shows that your writing is not centered on you, the writer but a sense of belonging given to your prospects. This makes the reader more at home in the context of your copy. ‘‘Now’’ is a relevant persuasive word that gives your prospect a sense of urgency, ‘‘Because’’ or ‘‘For’’ points out the purpose of your product or service while ‘‘imagine’’ makes the prospects conceive great ideas about themselves. Words such as ‘‘surest’’ and ‘‘ultimate’’ indicate the degree of relevance. You should master the use of the above highlighted words.


Successful ads are simple. You don’t need big grammars to win over your prospects. You can’t imagine yourself as a customer elsewhere checking dictionary in order to comprehend some ads you came across. Choose to use easy to understand words in your copy.


A sample image display in a body lotion promotion

Ads crafting isn’t just about words. It also involves the use of Images. This has been found useful in psychoanalytical based research. The sensory organs such as the eyes and ears are connected to the mind. Befitting images are really great ways of first attraction to your prospects. They as well serve as easy conductors of the writer’s intent. With the world full of worries and economic gloominess, everyone wants to unwind in every possible way. You- the successful ads creator could express your products and services through the creative art of storytelling.


Music gives a warm effect on ads. It may be soft depending on the tone of the copy. It would be smart to explore different genre of music and then determine the most appropriate. It could even be a soft play on piano or stringed instruments.


A successful advert is capable of launching prospects into the realm of imagination. All prospects usually imagine how well a product would benefit them. Your adverts should be seasoned with the undertone of delivering kingly services to prospects.


Let your audience know you are a pro in ads creation. Make every word count. It is important to as well speak directly to your audience such as the use of ‘You’ & ‘Your’ as stated above. Always remember your prospects have other schedules and may not have all the time to go through lengthy ads.


You may need to spend enough time editing and re-editing. Editing cuts across the crosscheck of grammar, contextual meanings and other elements in the contents. Though, with consistent practice, the time spent on editing may gradually reduce depending on your ability to learn fast and adapt corrections to your linguistic bank. 


The bed rock of all that have been discussed is self confidence. You must believe you possess what it takes to craft the successful ads of the year. Your passion and determination will push you to a trial. You are worried about your use of English language? You could try out crafting ads in your mother tongue and then engaging the services of a translator or editor. 


The inclusion of a specific call to action (CTA) in your copy is non-negotiable. The promotion should clearly give a directive such as ‘click the link and apply’, ‘buy before offer ends’, ‘subscribe to our newsletters’ etc.

Remember, a well crafted advert/copy is a sure tool for business advancement. With these guidelines in hand, you are ready to create the ‘baddest’ ads of all times.

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