Nobody ever thought marketing would take a really lucrative turn around in the professional world. Back in school days, when asked about our preferred future professions, we would rather choose medical, engineering, accounting and law professions. Whoever proclaimed to be a marketer was usually condescended because it wasn’t like other prestigious aforementioned professions. Thanks to technological breakthroughs that have impacted the social and digital worlds. Now, content marketing has come to the forefront of all forms of business establishment with millions of dollars circulating daily as rewards for successful marketers across globe.

According to, global content marketing industry revenue was estimated at roughly 63 billion U.S dollars in 2022 and would continue growing over the further years to reach 107 billion dollars in 2026. The statistics looks attractive but no content marketer excels without ideas and creativity.


A content marketer is first a content writer and creator. As content marketers, we create and share valuable and free content to attract and convert prospects to customers and existing customers to consistent buyers. Contents may include blog posts, podcasts and email auto-responders. Content marketing also involves the creation of tutorials, music, comedy, infotainment etc. produced in the form of shorts/skits and lengthy videos. These creations are monetized via social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc.

A content marketer is first a content writer and creator.

Unintentional contents at times go viral in the media thereby paving way for the creator. Some creators have mastered the monetization processes. Some (usually more in number) whose contents are beautiful, highly loaded and valuable do not yet enjoy returns due to inadequate information. You can unwind on social media and still make some income for yourself if you know the how-to. Summarily, your activity in content marketing is to simply create contents that could yield returns. Intentional marketing is needed to achieve this feat.

In this article, we’ll share helpful tips for you to excel in content marketing. Let’s go!


As we always say, writing is in the art not an act. It is an art because it involves the use of imagination to express ideas or feelings. Art is as well ability or a skill that is developed with training and practice. This implies that you need not be a pro before embarking on the journey of content creation. There is no successful content without a story. No matter the kind of contents you intend to make, you need a script to guide you. There has to be an introduction, the body and the conclusion. It is important that you create coherent contents. Your intended message should be well organized, logical and easy to understand for your audience’s sake.


Lengthiness can work in your favour if you know the-when. Some contents such as newsletters and blog posts usually require couple of paragraphs. Your audience is seeking knowledge and information. The write up should be duly segmented under topics and subtopics for easy comprehension and digest. Tutorial sessions are better segmented in bits such as 5 to 20 minutes. Many subscribers prefer to watch short tutorials. It’s rare to sit and watch a YouTube video that lasts for 20 hours at a stretch! Music and comedy preferably should be less than 15 minutes except in the case of a live performance or an album.  Another way to determine the appropriate length is to release a mix of long and short contents then carefully study your site analytics over a period of time (3 to 6 months). This could help determine what resonates best with your audience.


Creativity is the powerful light that makes you shine among the crowd of content creators. Humans have this innate character that always yearns for new things. Imagine the beauty in actively using a wardrobe that is accurately stocked than wearing the same set of shirt, pair of trousers and shoes in a lifetime. Your audience does not want the same concept they see everywhere. Creativity could imply the introduction of new things or revisiting old things through a new and better lens. Creative ideas could come by intentionally searching for problems that your target audience is trying to solve. These ideas should be aimed at proffering solutions.


The quest for social media monetization has led to the availability of all sorts of Tom, Dick and Harry contents on the media. Content consumers are really hungry for valuable information. You have to get them fed not with junks of immature contents but with meat that has been duly seasoned and grilled with value. After having downloaded creative ideas from the realm of thoughts and observations, there is need for you to make adequate research such as attending online events with industry speakers. Creating contents based on your sole knowledge gives you dry results.


Serve your consumers the best that has never been offered yet. Quality makes you stand the test of time. Long standing companies eagerly display the period of time they have been in business such as ‘… since 1904’. It indicates a proud testament of business longevity. Be watchful of products you permit to be displayed on your website, channel, group or hub. Products or services you associate yourself with must be nothing less than the best quality.       


Don’t attempt to create contents that are void of catchy headlines. That is the first point of contact and enticement for your audience. Figure out the persuasive words to include in your contents as well as a call to action giving a particular instruction to your consumers such as ‘subscribe’, ‘hit the like button’, ‘join the conversation’, read more’, ‘buy now’ etc.


Niches in content marketing include education, finance, travel, email marketing, health and fitness, real estate, food, beauty, fashion, e-commerce, relationships, sports, music, comedy, games etc. Niche determines the primary target audience. A jack of all trade is a master of none. Maintaining your chosen niche plugs you into a kind of mastery that can never be purchased. 


Once you notice your hub is growing beyond the pace that only you can man, it’s advisable to employ the services of freelance writers. This is a sign of growth and success story in the making. Demands may require you to create more contents. In as much as you have to satisfy your consumers, your health (physical & mental) matters more. Freelancing is not a crime in almost every part of the world.


Another easy way of advertising your personality is to participate when there’s call for write up or there’s need for secondary role player in someone else’s production. Your voluntary participation should not be different from your niche. Sticking to your niche even in volunteering gives further proclamation on your expertise and coastline expansion. As an authority, you gain the trust of your readers that you always produce value promising contents. They’ll eagerly jump on any further thoughts you still have to share. You should therefore be sure to include a link in the content to redirect your audience back to your site or blog.


The greatest favour fresh content creators can do themselves is to learn from masters in the field. Lessons could be drawn from their mistakes, styles, concepts and success stories. Inspirations for special creativity could come from mere admiration or closer consideration of successful contents. All you need to do is search for trends on social media, locate their creators, follow their media handles to get updates and learn from them.     


People who usually ask questions from the right source don’t get lost. Keep on pushing till you get answers needed for your excellence. Content marketing remains a promising income generating avenue in this present century and can be fully optimized when the basic ideas discussed above are internalized.

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